Thursday, November 11, 2010

Yipee skippy! Kathryn Shay's backlist now as $2.99 ebooks

Oh happy happy joy joy!!!

I just received an email direct from Kathryn Shay (to me alone, I'm sure, cuz we're likethis, ya know - haha!).

Anywhooooo... it seems that some of her backlist is available now for $2.99 via both smashwords and Amazon. So if you haven't read her famous firefighter trilogy, go for it. Or her O'Neil trilogy, or her amazing standalones - I highly recommend Trust in Me (It made my list of top 10 reviews.) - go out and get them for just $2.99!!!

Here's the email:

News from Kathryn Shay
Out of print books ready for e-readers

Dear Readers, (ed: I know she really just meant me - honest!)
Because I’ve been asked about the availability of my past work, I’ve finally been able to put them up on Kindle and Smashwords, Apple and a few other outlets (with new covers) as epubbed books. They are also sale priced at $2.99. Yes, you read that right!! So if you never read my well-loved firefighter trilogy, my O’Neil series or my stand-alones, just click on one of the sale links below the description and buy a copy for your e-reader.

I’ll also be putting up some new work soon: a never before published novella and an original full length book. And stay tuned—more out of print books will be coming as soon as I get those rights back.
Kathy Shay

Hidden Cove Firefighter Trilogy — Meet the brave men and women from Hidden Cove New York, who fight fires by day and live ordinary, angst filled days just like the rest of us.

After the Fire
An action filled romance begins a new trilogy that tugs at your heartstrings. Origin. pub. by Berkley Press. "A superb contemporary romance that grabs you in the prologue and won’t let go until you’ve read the final page. Bravo, Ms. Shay!" The Romance Readers Connection "Powerful and compelling, this novel reinforces Shay’s well earned reputation as a first rate storyteller." Booklist

On The Line
Fire Chief Noah Callahan and Fire Investigator Eve Woodward are facing the turmoil caused by accidents at fire scenes. Who knew they’d fall in love? Originally published by Berkley Press. "Powerhouse author Shay’s complex and unforgettable characters breathe life into this truly intense novel." Romantic Times Book Club

Nothing More To Lose
An injured firefighter from 9/11 and a disgraced cop struggle to salvage their lives with the help of the women who love them. Originally published by Berkley Press. "Shay writes an emotion-packed story with angst and some hot sex. This dramatic tale also has a nice touch of humor." RT Book Club

O’Neil Family Series — Meet Bailey O’Neil, an antigang specialist and her brothers who run an Irish pub in New York City.

Someone To Believe In - who'da thunk a senator could be so hot?
Follow New York Senator Clay Wainwright and anti-gang specialist, the Street Angel, Bailey O’Neil as they battle over how to control street gangs and unexpectedly fall in love. Originally published by Berkley Press. "Shay’s writing trademark is taking seemingly impossible relationships and developing them into classic tales of true love, which is what she does here." Fresh Fiction

Close To You
Follow brother-in-law of the vice president Aidan O’Neil and Secret Service Agent CJ Ludzecky as they travel the fine line between professional ethics and falling in love. Appearances by characters from Someone to Believe In. Originally published by Berkley Press "Kathryn Shay writes believable characters you can't help falling in love with." The Romance Reader Connection

Taking the Heat
If ever there was a mismatch, it’s staid, solid Liam O’Neil and risk-taking firefighter Sophie Tyler. When passion and eventually love consume them, there’s no denying their need to be together. Orig. pub. by Berkley Press. "Taking the Heat is an emotional roller coaster ride. Shay writes an emotion packed story that presents a realistic view of problems faced by female firefighters."

Stand alone books

Trust in Me (I reviewed this here. It made my list of top 10 reviews.)
As kids, the stockcar racing town of Glen Oaks called them The Outlaws, but no one knew the hoodlums on the streets would grow up to be upstanding citizens. Follow three couples as they struggle to find happiness as adults. Original publisher-Berkley Press. "This powerful tale of redemption, friendship and forgiveness shows again that Shay knows how to pack an emotional wallop." Booklist

Ties That Bind - this was fabulous!
When a former client accuses lawyer Reese Bishop and his divorced wife, Judge Kate Renado of misconduct, they must clear their names together. In the process, they fall in love again. Originally published by Berkley Press. "Shay has crafted a novel with an intriguing premise and, best of all, with two protagonists who unleash tons of conflict in their wake." RT Book Reviews

Promises to Keep - I adored Joe!!
By-the-book Secret Service Agent Joe Stonehouse is paired with rebel Agent Luke Ludzecky as they go undercover in a typical high school that has the potential to erupt in deadly violence. The two women they meet cause the situation to be even more explosive. Originally published by Berkley Press. "Kathryn Shay never disappoints." Lisa Gardner, NYT bestselling author


  1. How pathetic is this? I own all of those books. In print. In the TBR.

    Just shoot me.

  2. I don't own these books yet, so I lucked out. :D Thanks for the heads up, Lori! BTW, just read your review for Trust In Me, it was indeed awesome... I'll definitely be reading that book. :)

  3. I really wish you were more excited about this...really. :)

    They sound good - I'll have to check them out - and for 2.99 how can you go wrong? Thanks for the heads up!

  4. Thanks for the heads-up, Lori! I've read a few books by this author... now, I can look for her oldies :P

  5. Lori,
    It's Thanksgiving night and I was browsing the web and found this post. Thank you so much for the push on my backlist. And I remember your review of TRUST IN ME well. I was bowled over by it. That's my favorite book, too! I appreciate your enthusiasm for all my work.

    And of course the email was meant just for you!!!
    Kathy Shay

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Kathy! And I knew that email was just for me *preening*


  7. Hey, Lori.
    I didn't know how else to get you. Can you email me?
    Kathy Shay

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  15. Пиздатые фотки Мили Кузнецовой! Я наткнулся на них вот в этой ссылке:! Просто огонь, полюбуйтесь! Она там вся такая крутая и стильная. Хоть и не особо знаменитая, но на самом деле бомба! Мне особенно понравился ее классный образ и яркий стиль. Эта ссылка прям в цель! Посмотрите и вы, не пожалеете.


Have you read it? What do you think?

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