And absolutely loved it. I finished it a few days ago and needed time to process my thoughts/feelings about the story.
First and foremost let me say if you're looking for a light, fun read, you're not going to find it in Broken. Within the pages of this book, you're going to find a story unlike any you've ever read. One that will leave you, at times, confused, sad, afraid, and fearful, and at other times you'll be happy and content.
In this book, first person totally worked. I didn't want to know what any of the other characters were thinking. Sadie's thoughts and feelings kept me plenty enthralled.
Truthfully, when I picked up this book, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Sadie's brushing the invisible do-not-cross line between fidelity and infidelity, but as I read the book, I understood the "why." When you don't receive physical touch for a long time, I can see needing it, even if it is living vicariously through another's escapades. And in Sadie's case, the title of this book, Broken, fits so many things: her relationship with her husband, her husband, and, most of all, herself. Her life is, indeed, broken. Being broken can make a person feel lost and confused and so totally fucking frustrated you just want to break down and cry your eyes out, especially when no matter how hard you try to find a way to fix or repair things, you just can't.
But Sadie doesn't do that. She doesn't whine. She doesn't wail. Just just does. She goes on living her life, and I applaud her for that. Her strength(which she didn't see in herself) is amazing. I ached for this woman. I cried for her. I got angry with her. I got frustrated with her. I laughed with her. I felt everything she felt.
Megan Hart is an amazing author. With both books Dirty and Broken, she took me places I never imagined I'd go, and I thank her for sharing her amazing talent and fabulous stories with me. First person or not, with these two books, Ms. Hart has earned a spot on my auto-buy list.
(Cross posted on Let's Gab)