Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Wasn't sure it was possible...

Love this cover like no other. Ever.

Knew I'd love the story too.

Just wasn't sure the story would be as stunning as the cover.

It was.

Every word, beautiful. The emotion, palpable. This was the best book I've read in the last 10 years. Easily.

My personal thanks to you Ms. Dane. This one did more than remind me of how much I love reading. It reminded me of what IT is supposed to be like. In words and in life. Just gorgeous.

A little note: I rarely buy books--simply can't afford to. I bought this one--just had to--and admired it for two months before picking it up to read. Now I'm going to admire it on my bookshelf. Forever. I'm also going to predict that I'll read it again. And again.


Have you read it? What do you think?

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